If you are a dog lover or not, you've probably heard of or seen the likeness of the famous dog named Hachiko. Born on a farm in 1923 in rural Japan, "Mr Eight" as his name is loosely translated to be, was raised by an agricultural professor name Hidesaburo Ueno. Hachiko would follow his owner to the train station every morning, and meet his owner there again showing up precisely as the train arrived on the commute home. in 1925 Hachiko's owner passed away from a stroke during a lecture, yet Hachiko continued to go to the train station exactly on time everyday for the next nine years, nine months, and fifteen days. At first the locals were not pleased at his presence, but once Hachiko gained national fame for epitomizing the Japanese values of family loyalty due to the publications of one of the professor's students, they began leaving him treats and taking care of Hachiko. Since then many articles and movies have been made about him. His statue is a popular tourist attraction in the area where he originally waited at Shibuya Station in Tokyo, Japan.